United States Presidential Election 1956
In the United States of America presidential election of 1956, Republican presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower swept the election results with a victory margin of more than 15%.
Eisenhower continues to get helped by his charisma as the supreme commander of the Allied forces in the World War II. His campaign also capitalized for ending the Korean War and the strong US economy.
1956 Presidential Election Results
Dwight D. Eisenhower | Republican Party |
Adlai Stevenson | Democratic Party |
Political Situation:
1. Third Election after the end of the disastrous World War II.
2. Cold war continues.
3. End of Korean War.
4. Strong US economy.
Close States (margin<6%):
Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee
Population by Race for the United States : Year 1950
Biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican presidential candidate):
1. As President of USA between 1952 to 1956, Eisenhower ended Korean War, Stopped the spread of Communism
across the World, launched interstate highway system.
2. Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe.
3. Oversaw the routing of the Hitler's forces on the Western front in Europe. Enabled the emergence of US as one of the
two Super Powers after the World War II.
4. Oversaw the invasion of Sicily, Italy.
5. Eisenhower was born on Oct 14 1890 in Denison, Texas.
Republican Party Agenda:
1. Improve government programs such as social security, unemployment insurance, farm price support.
2. Strengthen local government.
3. Conserve the system of free enterprise by free markets and private enterprise and initiative as the best means yet
found to provide the goods and services the people want.
4. Reduce budget deficit.
5. Women in key positions.
Biography of Adlai Stevenson (Democratic presidential candidate):
1. Democratic candidate for President in 1952, responsible spokesman and
world traveller who is friend of influential leaders of the free world.
2. One of most successful Governors in the history of IllinOis, with
brilliant record of reform, economy and efficiency.
3. Postwar diplomatic experience as Special Assistant to Secretary of
State at United Nations Charter Conference; U.S. Minister in London and Chief Delegate to U.N. Preparatory
Commission; U.S. Delegate to first sessions of United Nations in London and New York.
4. Wartime service as Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, member of Air Force Mission to Europe, Chief of Economic
Mission to Italy.
5. Depression era service in Department of Agriculture, one of the architects of the farm program that saved American
farm families.
Democratic Party Agenda:
1. Restore American leadership in the world.
2. Address declining farm income.
3. Meet the appalling shortage of classrooms and of teachers, with immediate support of the proposals before Congress, such as the Kelley Bill which would provide four hundred million of federal funds for school construction during each of the next four years, to be matched by state funds.